Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Dear Surfer,

The use of the Recreation and Entertainment (Holon) Ltd (“the company”) internet website (hereinafter: “the website”) is conditional on the consent by the surfer on the website (hereinafter also: “the user”) to the privacy policy detailed hereinafter. The objective of the privacy policy is to explain the customs used by the Coordinator as regards the privacy of the surfers on the website and how the Centre uses the information provided to it by the users of the website or collected by it during the use of the website.


When using the website services information is collected about you. Some of the information identifies you personally, that is to say your name and your address, products and services that you purchased or about which you requested to clarify details, payment methods that you use, and so forth. This is information that you provide willingly, for example at the time of registering for services on the website or your request to clarify or purchase a product or service appearing on the website. Some of the information does not identify you personally and is not saved together with your details. This is statistical and accumulative information, for example the pages that you viewed; the offers and services that interested you; internet (IP) addresses from which you made access and more.

Registration for services

Inasmuch as you are required to provide personal details at the time of registration for services on the website or at the time of purchasing products therein, the Coordinator shall request from you only the information required directly for supply of the services or for purchase of the products.


The data collected shall be saved on the Coordinator’s database and under its responsibility.

Use of the information

Use of the information collected shall be carried out only pursuant to this privacy policy or pursuant to the provisions of any law, in order:

To enable use of the various services on the website;

To improve and to enrich the services and the contents offered on the website; to amend or cancel existing services and contents;

  • For the purpose of purchasing products and services on the website – including publication of information and contents.
  • Information that shall serve the Coordinator shall be mainly statistical information which does not identify the surfer personally.

Direct electronic mailing

The Coordinator is interested in sending you from time to time by email information regarding its services and marketing and advertising information. Such information will be transmitted to you only if you have given your explicit consent, and at any time you shall be able to cancel your consent and stop receiving such information. The Coordinator shall not transfer your personal details to advertisers. However, it is permitted to transfer statistical information about the activity of the users on the website. Any statistical information transferred shall not identify you personally.

Transfer of information to a third party

The Coordinator shall only transfer your personal information and the information collected about your activity on the website to third parties in the cases detailed hereinafter:

  • If you purchase products and services from third parties offering them for sale by means of the website or as a broker for the activity on the website, the information required by them for the purpose of completion of the purchase process shall be transferred to these third parties.
  • In the event of a legal dispute between you and the Coordinator which will obligate disclosure of your details.
  • If you execute actions on the website that are against the law.
  • If a judicial order is received ordering the transfer of your details or information about you to a third party.
  • If the Coordinator shall sell or transfer in any form whatsoever the activity on the website to any corporation whatsoever and in the event of a merger with another entity or merger of the activity on the website with the activity of a third party, on condition that this corporation shall take upon itself in your regard the provisions of this privacy policy.


The website uses cookies for the purpose of its ongoing and regular operation, and in order to collect statistical data regarding the use of the website, to verify details, in order to correlate the website to your personal preferences and for information security.

Modern browsers include the option of prevention of receipt of cookies. If you do not know how to do this, check the help file of the browser which you use.

Analysis of surfing data on the website by means of Google Analytics

The Google Analytics service is installed on this website which collects and analyzes surfing information on the website. You may find details regarding the service by using this link.

In the event that you do not wish that information shall be collected about you by Google Analytics, you may download an add-on to the browner which will cancel your consent to collect the information.

In any event the use made by Google Analytics of the information collected is subject to the privacy policy of the service and not the Coordinator’s privacy policy.

Analysis of surfing data on the website by means of Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is embedded in this website which measures the advertising activity by understanding the actions that the surfers carry out on the website. You may find details about this service by using this link.

In any event the use made by Facebook of the information collected is subject to the privacy policy of the service and not the Coordinator’s privacy policy.

Information security

The Coordinator makes use of a hosting company’s services to store the website. The hosting company implements systems for managing information security. While these systems and procedures reduce the risks for unauthorized access they cannot provide absolute security. Therefore the Coordinator does not undertake that its services shall be totally immune to unauthorized access to information stored on them.

Right to study information

Pursuant to the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981, every person is entitled to study the information about him that is held in a database. A person who has studied the information about him and found it to be incorrect, incomplete, unclear or not updated, is permitted to turn to the owner of the database with a request to correct the information or to remove it.

Such a request should be carried out by means of the contact form on the website. Furthermore, if the information in the Coordinator’s databases serves for the purpose of personal contact with you, you are entitled pursuant to the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981 to request in writing that the information referring to you shall be deleted from the database.

Changes to the privacy policy

In any event that fundamental changes shall be made to the provisions of this policy that are related to the use of the personal information that you provided, a notice in this matter shall be published on the home page of the website.