Transparency and freedom

Transparency and freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Law, 5758-1998 determines that it is the right of every citizen and resident to receive information from a municipal company, subject to certain restrictions detailed therein and their objective is to balance between the right to freedom of information and the various rights and interests of the company.

A request for receipt of information shall be submitted in writing to the Supervisor of the Freedom of Information Law in the company. The person requesting the information is not required to state the reason for his request.

Provision of the information entails payment of a request fee and inasmuch as the information necessitates handling and/or production, in addition to the request fee a handling fee and/or a production fee shall be charged.

The information shall be made available to the person requesting the information as it is available in the company and the company is not obligated to process the information pursuant to the needs of the requesting entity.

Hereinafter are details for contact with the Supervisor for implementation of the Freedom of Information Law in Recreation and Entertainment (Holon) Ltd:

Adv. Ronit Yogev:

Address: 66 Mifratz Shlomo Sttreet, POB 5132, Holon, Postcode 5815101
Telephone: 03-5582050, Fax: 03-5599411, Email:

Head Office email: