Terms of Use of the Website
Terms of use of the internet website – Recreation and Entertainment (Holon) Ltd
Dear Surfer,
The use of the Recreation and Entertainment (Holon) Ltd (hereinafter jointly: “the company”) internet website (hereinafter: “the website”) is conditional on the consent of the user to all the terms detailed hereinafter:
- By using this website the surfer expresses his consent to that stated in these terms of use and to any term appearing on the website and to be responsible for acknowledgement of the terms and the use of the website pursuant to these terms, as they shall be amended, from time to time.
- The company reserves its exclusive right to amend, delete or add terms to these terms of use, at any time and from time to time. The binding terms shall be those that are published on the website.
- The company reserves its right to remove or amend the website and/or its structure including the contents of the website, the services provided therein, texts, tools, links and/or the design of the website, without the need for a notice in advance and without bearing any liability for any damage that shall be caused to the user and/or his equipment as a result of such.
- The user of the website shall not have any plea, claim and/or demand vis-à-vis the Coordinator for the services and/or their characteristics and/or their abilities.
- The company shall not bear, directly or indirectly, any liability whatsoever in the event in which any details whatsoever do not appear on the website for any reason whatsoever including due to a technical or other fault in the system and/or liability for any other technical problem which prevents execution of actions on the website and shall not be liable to the users of the website for any liability whatsoever. Without derogating from the aforementioned, the company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for a user error on the website.
- The products and/or services offered on the website shall be supplied to the user by the method, on the dates and pursuant to the terms detailed on the website.
- Provision of false personal details constitutes a criminal offence. The Coordinator reserves its right to take any legal measures against one carrying out such an offence including torts claims for damages that shall be caused to the Coordinator and/or to anyone acting in its name and/or on its behalf and/or to third parties in regard to provision of the false details as aforementioned.
- The company reserves its right to cancel and/or not to execute any action on the website, if it shall be found that the user did not comply with the terms for execution of the action and/or for any other reason, subject to any law.
- The use of the services and/or the information appearing on the website is under the full and sole responsibility of the user of the website. In any event the company shall not be responsible for the accuracy and/or the precision of the materials and the information on the website. The company shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage, financial or other, that shall be caused as a result of use of the website and its terms and/or due to reliance on the information found therein and/or on the websites linked to it, to which the surfer on the website shall be able to reach.
- On the website there are links leading to information and content published on the internet, external to the website. The information and the content in websites external to it, are not published by the Coordinator, with its encouragement or its consent. The Coordinator has no control over the information published in the external websites and it does not supervise and is not responsible for such external websites. Surfing on the external websites linked to the Coordinator’s internet website is under the surfer’s sole responsibility. Nothing in presentation of the links shall act as a recommendation or undertaking that the contents in those websites are appropriate, legal, accurate, updated, complete and/or reliable. The Coordinator does not undertake that the links shall be in good order and shall lead to a website as stated in the link. The Coordinator reserves its right to remove and/or amend and/or add links at its sole and absolute discretion without advance notice.
- The content published on the website does not constitute a basis for the purpose of making financial, economic, accounting, legal, personal or other decisions and the user is required to turn to a suitable professional to receive advice tailored to his situation. Contracting in transactions within the framework and/or in reliance on this website is made at the sole discretion of the user of the website and under his sole responsibility.
- The details provided by the user of the website shall be kept by the company and it is permitted to make use of them subject to the provisions of any law. The company is permitted to make use of the details provided by the website user on the date of registration for a service and/or at the time of execution of an action, inter alia, for the purpose of improving the services offered by it or in order to make contact with the user and update him regarding additional services offered by the company or by others with whom the company contracts, subject to his consent as obligated pursuant to the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasting), 5742-1982. Furthermore, the company is permitted to make use of the aforementioned information as part of the statistical data that it stores for the purpose of internal use and/or as part of the data transferred to a third party and this subject to the fact that this information shall not identify the user by his name or details of his identity.
- Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the company is obligated to transfer all the details of the user of the website, as required pursuant to law and/or pursuant to a judicial order and/or if it shall face a risk that legal proceedings shall be initiated against it for actions that were carried out by the user on the website.
- The Coordinator makes its best efforts in order to secure the website and the information, including the details provided by the user for the purpose of receipt of the services. However, in the light of the fact that the website is linked to the internet, there is no possibility of securing the website and the information systems and the communications fully against unauthorized access by unauthorized entities. The user providing details required for the purpose of receipt of services by the website is required to take this fact into account prior to providing the details. In the event that notwithstanding the security measures taken unauthorized access shall be made to the website and/or the information therein, including details provided by the user, the company shall not bear any liability whatsoever including for use of the details provided by the user, by one who obtained the information unlawfully.
- The website and all the information included therein, the contents, texts, illustrations, graphics, music, software applications, photographs, advertisements and artworks found on the website are the property of the Coordinator and therefore the copyright and the intellectual property rights for the website and its contents belong to the company and are protected by the intellectual property in Israel and worldwide, including the copyright laws of the State of Israel.
- No copies may be made of the information found on the website, in entirety or in part; it shall not be distributed, published and/or stored in any database and/or by any other means of storage, including digital, electronic, optical and/or printed means, without the company’s consent in advance and in writing.
- This website and the information found therein shall only be used for personal and private use and subject to the rest of the terms of use on the website. No commercial and/or any other use may be made which is not for personal use of the information on this website without receipt of the company’s explicit consent in advance and in writing.
- It is prohibited to use the website and the contents found therein for any illegal objective or for any objective prohibited by these terms of use.
- The user of the website shall compensate and indemnify the company, including its employees, managers or its representatives for any damage and/or loss and/or loss of profit and/or expense that it shall bear, including court expenses, as a result of breach of these terms and/or any other act and/or omission by the user.
- The company shall be permitted to terminate the provision of the products and/or the services on the website at any time and immediately, unilaterally and without any advance notice, and shall not be obligated for payment of any compensation whatsoever and/or any other relief for this action.
- That stated in the masculine gender also includes the feminine gender in its meaning; that stated in the singular also includes the plural in its meaning
- Only the laws of the State of Israel shall be imposed on the use of the website. The sole jurisdiction for any intents and purposes derived from this agreement or from the website is the authorized courts in Tel Aviv.
Happy surfing!